Bridging the Coverage Gap
According to a study by the National Heart Association, the #1 cause of financial devastation was
not the death of the breadwinner. Rather, they suffered a critical illness—and survived.
60% of bankruptcies in the U.S. are the direct result of a critical illness (such as heart attack, stroke, cancer) and the medical expenses that follow. Surprisingly, 80% of those who had filed for bankruptcy had health insurance.
While traditional health insurance and life insurance policies are good to have, at Sequoia Innovations, we work
to bridge the gaps in both the coverage and when the coverage can be accessed by providing you the best
possible plan for protection.
Our Mission
Your Legacy, Your Family Tree
As advocates for Living Benefits, our purpose at Sequoia Innovations is to spread awareness of the new, evolved life insurance that can give you access to money when you need it the most. Unlike traditional life insurance, clients become the beneficiary of their own policy, as they may accelerate their death benefit if they suffer a critical, chronic, or terminal illness. The best part is that the cost for this protection is usually the same as their traditional death only insurance. Because so many Americans are unaware that such protection exists, Sequoia Innovations agents are dedicated to share this information to all.